The Big Five
The Big Five is a taxonomy that is used to group personality traits and allows scientists and doctors to study different specific spheres of personality traits that are related to each other rather than studying each specific characteristic individually. The five categories that make up the big five are extraversion, agreeableness, conscientiousness, emotional stability, and openness. Extraversion refers to the extent to which a person actively engages with the world and how much they avoid social activity or engagement. You can think of extraversion as a scale where on one end you have extreme extraverts who thrive off of social interaction, and on the other end you have an introvert who is usually quiet and keeps to himself most of the time. A more recent term, ambivert, describes someone who falls in the middle of the scale. Extroverts tend to interact well with others and perform well in social scenarios. Agreeableness refers to how warm and compassionate a person is or how helpf...